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What You Should Know About Gun Laws in New Jersey

guns on table


Gun law have been the subject of considerable debate in New Jersey, with some advocates and elected officials pushing for the loosening of concealed carry application standards and other reforms to peel back certain regulations. Below are a few things you should know about gun laws as they currently stand in the state, especially if you are charged with a crime:

  • Concealed carry rules are strict: New Jersey is a “may issue” state for concealed carry, which means the state and local police have a lot of discretion about issuing concealed carry permits to applicants. Anyone applying in the state must demonstrate a “justifiable need” for a concealed carry permit.
  • There are strict rules related to driving with guns: New Jersey’s firearm transportation laws are more stringent than those in many other states. Guns must be carried unloaded and in a closed and fastened box or case, or locked in the trunk of the vehicle. Deviations from these rules are only allowed in “reasonably necessary” situations.
  • Semi-automatic weapons are banned: The federal ban on “assault weapons” that lasted from 1994 to 2004 is still in place in New Jersey. In fact, that federal law was based in part on New Jersey’s laws, which have prohibited the sale of certain types of semi-automatic weapons since the early 1990s.

Due to the tight limitations on guns in New Jersey, many of the firearms used during the commission of crimes in New Jersey have been trafficked in from outside the state. In fact, approximately 80 percent of guns seized in crimes in New Jersey can be traced back to other states, with Pennsylvania the leader in exporting guns to New Jersey criminals.

To learn more about the various gun regulations in place in New Jersey and how they could affect your case, contact a skilled New Jersey criminal defense attorney with The Law Office of David Jay Glassman. You can reach us online or at 866-221-1270.