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Fighting Prosecutors’ Withholding of Evidence in a Criminal Trial

Part of the constitutional right to a fair trial is the requirement that prosecutors disclose to defense counsel all evidence that is favorable to the defendant and that is material to either guilt or punishment. This is called “Brady material” after a landmark 1963 case, Brady v. Maryland, in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled… Read More »

White collar crimes

Common White Collar Crimes in New Jersey

White-collar crimes are non-violent offenses typically involving theft. They often consist of some form of deception or manipulation to steal money or property or to gain an unfair advantage. A common element in many white-collar crimes is fraud, where someone makes a false representation to trick another person for personal gain. The following are the… Read More »

sextortion crime

How “Sextortion” Is Penalized in New Jersey

In today’s digital age, where photos and videos travel at the speed of a click, the act of “sextortion” has emerged as a new type of crime. It involves using explicit images or videos as leverage to coerce victims into sexual activity or production of further such material.  While traditional extortion demands money or property… Read More »

Criminal Sexual Contact

Defending Against Charges of Criminal Sexual Contact in New Jersey

There are multiple types of sexual offenses prohibited by New Jersey law. The most commonly known is aggravated sexual assault, which is the sexual penetration of another person under certain defined circumstances. A less well known offense is criminal sexual contact, which involves unwanted sexual interactions that do not include penetration. Nevertheless, it is a… Read More »

Federal Criminal Investigations

When Do Federal Authorities Have Jurisdiction in Criminal Matters?

While most criminal matters fall under state jurisdiction, federal authorities step in when a case involves certain types of offenses and circumstances. Generally, these are cases that directly impact national security, transcend state borders or involve federal interests.  Here is a breakdown of criminal cases within the jurisdiction of federal prosecutors: National security and terrorism… Read More »

White Collar Crimes

White Collar Crimes That Can Be Committed Without Intent

White collar crimes typically consist of the wrongful diversion of things of value from their rightful owners by nonviolent means. Such crimes often involve a certain level of intent, but not always. People can act with other levels of purpose in pursuing financial gains or in disregarding legal duties and obligations. In many cases, the… Read More »

Federal Crimes

What Factors Influence Sentencing Levels for Federal Crimes?

Federal sentences are usually prescribed for specific crimes, typically in ranges running from minimum to maximum prison sentences and fines. Some crimes carry mandatory minimum sentences. However, in most cases the sentence is set by a judge after hearing and considering multiple factors. In a sentencing hearing, federal judges are guided by 18 USC 3553(a)… Read More »

Businessman in handcuffs

NJ Attorney General Forms Special Office to Prosecute White Collar Crimes

New Jersey is devoting additional resources aimed at policing fraud and other white collar crime. The attorney general has created a special office within the Division of Criminal Justice that is tasked with protecting the financial system and securities investors within the state. The newly formed Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecution (OSFFCP)… Read More »

Red sextortion key on keyboard

NJ Legislature Passes a Law Making “Sextortion” a Crime

The internet has become an efficient means of carrying out criminal activity, including extortion. When Threatening to disclose sexual images or videos in order to obtain sexual favors from a victim has been known informally as “sextortion.” Now, New Jersey is adding that crime to the statutes. Following the lead of some other states, New… Read More »

Wide-Scale Fentanyl Prosecutions Continue in New Jersey

Fentanyl is a prescription synthetic opioid that, unfortunately, is also distributed illegally throughout the United States. In response, law enforcement has become aggressive in working to shut down illicit fentanyl supply and distribution chains and to prosecute violators. Zealous efforts like these tend to cast wide nets that can subject anyone in possession of fentanyl… Read More »